Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Living in Rough Times

Hey dudes and dudettes,
Well I have been absent of my podcasting duties for the past month. Unfortunately, due to me being out of work I spend 90% of my day looking for work and taking care of my boys. Which has become a full time job for me. In all by the end of my day I'm tired and have been feeling completely unmotivated. I'm sorry everyone and I will do my best to get back on track. Thanks for putting up with my lack of being able to produce a show out one a regular schedual. I'll try and do better.
Hurdy gur,


  1. You know that's okay, Freakopedia. Real life gets in the way a lot but we're not going to hold it against you. Your boys are very important people and I think a lot of us know the hard times problems. I'm looking for proper employment myself. I wish you the greatest of luck in your search and lots of fun times with your family.


  2. Dude you have got to take care of you and your family first.
    Shoot me an email, I'll send you a link to my company job link. Might be something in there for you?
